These babies were a huge hit. I always try to do things last minute so I ran out of time to make wrappers for every cupcake but I think it looks nice with just the cupcakes on the stand done with the wrappers and the table cupcakes in just plain wrappers. What do you think?
I couldn't help but post two pictures of the cupcakes, mainly because the first one was dark and you can't really see how bright these colors really are. The wrappers are made with the Life's A Party cartridge. I read up on these to figure out how to cut them. Lots of places you will find that you need to use the fit to length at 8 inches...I have a gypsy so I made them a width of 8 inches and arranged them to get the to get the most per 12x12 sheet of paper that I could (I was only able to fit four of these puppies on one sheet). I liked the decorations so much I saved the table cloths. Aside from liking them I also spent money on them so I try to save were I can for the next party.
Diaper cakes...I made one a long time ago and love making them. They are an easy decoration that the mommy to be can not only use to decorate the babies room with but also use the diapers when it comes time. The Zebra on top is actually a toy to hook on the babies stroller or car seat. My little cousin helped me get this together while I was busy getting the food in the serving dishes and out on the tables (I told you, I'm last
Another helpful cousin decoration...she decided that the entrance needed to be indicated. I hosted the shower at a church and when you walk in the front door there are two directions that you could go...she wanted to make sure everyone came the correct direction (so sweet).
I'm particularly proud of the color coordination of this event. Everything was black and white (zebra print) or hot pink and green. again, super proud of myself for this event.
The gift table. You can't see it but there's lots of stuff under the table (in the floor). I guess I forgot to take a picture but we decorated a chair for the mommy to sit in...super cute we made a bow for the top and had little streamers coming off the bottom.
My little prego sister holding up two adorable hats. You know that cousin that I keep talking about that helped finish up some finally decorations.....well, she made these hats. My family is very creative. Well, at least I like to think we are. Aren't these hats adorable?
One final decoration to talk about....the sign...not a great picture but it says LILYANA (the babies name). I used Hannah Montana rock star font. I love this sister and I both love stars so I thought this would be cute, and she took it home to put in her room.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my sister's shower story. Hope to post something a little earlier next time.